{ "version": "2.1", "software": { "name": "friendica", "version": "2024.12-1576", "repository": "https://github.com/friendica/friendica", "homepage": "https://friendi.ca" }, "protocols": [ "dfrn", "activitypub", "diaspora" ], "services": { "inbound": [ "bluesky", "atom1.0", "rss2.0", "imap" ], "outbound": [ "bluesky", "smtp", "wordpress", "atom1.0" ] }, "openRegistrations": true, "usage": { "users": { "total": 54, "activeHalfyear": 41, "activeMonth": 26 }, "localPosts": 7097, "localComments": 9158 }, "metadata": { "nodeName": "Zwenkauer Flaschenpost", "nodeDescription": "Herzlich Willkommen bei der Zwenkauer Flaschenpost !\r\n\r\nDieser Friendica-Server steht in Zwenkau am See - einer Kleinstadt vor den Toren von Leipzig in Deutschland. \r\n\r\nMit diesem Server m\u00f6chten wir alle Menschen ermutigen, sich Kommunikationskan\u00e4le ausserhalb der grossen Datenkraken zu suchen und ihre Privatsph\u00e4re zu bewahren.\r\nDieser Friendica-Knoten l\u00e4uft mit dem Stable-Branch.\r\n\r\nWelcome to Zwenkau's message in a bottle!\r\n\r\nThis Friendica server is in Zwenkau am See - a small town at the gates of Leipzig in Germany.\r\n\r\nWith this server we would like to encourage all people to look for communication channels outside of the big data octopuses and to preserve their privacy.\r\nThis Friendica node runs on the stable branch.", "explicitContent": false } }