{ "version": "2.1", "software": { "name": "friendica", "version": "2024.12-1576", "repository": "https://github.com/friendica/friendica", "homepage": "https://friendi.ca" }, "protocols": [ "dfrn", "activitypub", "diaspora" ], "services": { "inbound": [ "bluesky", "atom1.0", "rss2.0" ], "outbound": [ "bluesky", "smtp", "wordpress", "atom1.0" ] }, "openRegistrations": true, "usage": { "users": { "total": 804, "activeHalfyear": 155, "activeMonth": 85 }, "localPosts": 41442, "localComments": 6385 }, "metadata": { "nodeName": "TROM Social", "nodeDescription": "A trade-free Friendica node. You do not have to trade your currency, attention, data, or freedom to us, in order to use it. We use it for our main project, TROM (tromsite.com), and for our personal accounts. So it is well maintained, functional, and clean. It is also part of our suite of trade-free services at TROM.tf. Check it out.", "explicitContent": false } }