{ "uri": "m.n4no.org", "domain": "m.n4no.org", "title": "n4no.org - easy dynamic DNS for authorized Fediverse Instances", "version": "4.0.0 (not true; really snac/2.72)", "source_url": "https://comam.es/what-is-snac", "description": "m.n4no.org", "short_description": "It's a work in progress but I expect it to work some day..", "thumbnail": "https://m.n4no.org/susie.png", "email": "n4no@lema.org", "rules": [ ], "languages": [ "en" ], "urls": { "streaming_api": "wss://m.n4no.org" }, "stats": { "user_count": 0, "status_count": 0, "domain_count": 0 }, "registrations": false, "approval_required": false, "invites_enabled": false, "configuration": { "statuses": { "characters_reserved_per_url": 32, "max_characters": 100000, "max_media_attachments": 4 }, "accounts": { "max_featured_tags": 0 }, "media_attachments": { "image_matrix_limit": 33177600, "image_size_limit": 16777216, "video_frame_rate_limit": 120, "video_matrix_limit": 8294400, "video_size_limit": 103809024, "supported_mime_types": [ "video/3gpp", "audio/aac", "image/avif", "audio/flac", "video/flv", "image/gif", "image/jpeg", "video/mp4", "video/quicktime", "audio/mp3", "audio/ogg", "video/ogg", "image/png", "image/svg+xml", "audio/wav", "video/webm", "image/webp", "audio/wma" ] }, "polls": { "max_characters_per_option": 50, "max_expiration": 2629746, "max_options": 8, "min_expiration": 300 } }, "contact_account": { "id": "f5b41a3b342baf7ef00ee419079c276c", "username": "mano", "display_name": "O mano do n4no", "discoverable": true, "group": false, "hide_collections": false, "indexable": true, "noindex": false, "roles": [ ], "acct": "mano@m.n4no.org", "created_at": "2025-01-14T21:28:49Z", "last_status_at": "2025-02-22", "bot": false, "note": "Admin user for n4no.org. You probably want to talk to the bot at @dns@m.n4no.org !

PS: Message me at @santiago@masto.lema.org if I don't answer here.
", "url": "https://m.n4no.org/mano", "uri": "https://m.n4no.org/mano", "avatar": "https://m.n4no.org/mano/s/d14f42b2e39df11cd4c3dc2049afe229.png", "avatar_static": "https://m.n4no.org/mano/s/d14f42b2e39df11cd4c3dc2049afe229.png", "header": "", "header_static": "", "emojis": [ ], "locked": false, "followers_count": 1, "following_count": 2, "statuses_count": 0, "fields": [ { "name": "site", "value": "https://lema.org", "verified_at": null } ] } }