{ "version": "2.1", "software": { "name": "friendica", "version": "2024.12-1576", "repository": "https://github.com/friendica/friendica", "homepage": "https://friendi.ca" }, "protocols": [ "dfrn", "activitypub", "diaspora" ], "services": { "inbound": [ "bluesky", "atom1.0", "rss2.0" ], "outbound": [ "bluesky", "smtp", "wordpress", "atom1.0" ] }, "openRegistrations": true, "usage": { "users": { "total": 241, "activeHalfyear": 236, "activeMonth": 171 }, "localPosts": 18853, "localComments": 7351 }, "metadata": { "nodeName": "-= anonsys.net =-", "nodeDescription": "Dieser \u00f6ffentliche Friendica Server ist f\u00fcr alle, denen ihre Privatsph\u00e4re wichtig ist. Hier gibt es keine Datenkraken wie Facebook, Google, Amazon und Co. Komm rein und werde Teil der wunderbaren Welt der Fediverse.\r\n-\r\nThis public Friendica server is for everyone who cares about their privacy. There are no data kraken like Facebook, Google, Amazon and Co. Come in and become part of the wonderful world of the Fediverse.", "explicitContent": false } }