{"uri": "bookrastinating.com", "title": "bookrastinating.com", "short_description": "a social book review site for people who procrastinate on reading or procrastinate by reading", "description": "

Procrastinators and Book Lovers Unite!


Do you have a huge book backlog? Do you avoid doing things just to read? Do you read just to avoid doing things? Bookrastinating is here for you.


Bookrastinating is ad-free, anti-corporate, and federated. You can seamlessly follow and interact with users on other BookWyrm instances, and on services like Mastodon.


Follow us in the fediverse for updates: bookrastinating@thenighthas.me

", "version": "0.7.4", "stats": {"user_count": 3388, "status_count": 125074}, "thumbnail": "https://pub-1146fd6c5b9443ce8a2adde617e7847d.r2.dev/images/logos/icon512_JCuaZ63.png", "languages": ["en"], "registrations": false, "approval_required": true, "email": "contact@bookrastinating.com"}